Make You Next Event A Delicious One With 1UP !

Made Fresh For All Occasions..!

We offer all types of cuisine. From a typical north Indian cuisine to Maharashtrian cuisine to south Indian specialties to Gujarati food, Bengali food, Marwari cuisine etc. And if your taste lies in intercontinental food, we are not going to disappoint you with our offerings there as well. We are way too particular in maintaining proper hygiene and a great quality overall. We totally understand that good food is the most essential part of any party and hence take extra efforts to ensure guests have good food and a good feel about it. We can help with outbound catering and food parcels as well.

Cuisine Culinary Buffet Dinner Catering Dining Food Celebration Party Concept. Group of people in all you can eat catering buffet food indoor in luxury restaurant with meat and vegetables.

Always 1Up…

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